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Tools For Communities Dealing With A Neighboring Hoarder
Tools For Communities Dealing With A Neighboring Hoarder:
In the sample size of a community’s life cycle, it is not uncommon to encounter a homeowner exhibiting signs of extreme hoarding. While not always the most charming topic to discuss, it is something that Board Members and Property Managers should be aware of and have knowledge of the tools available to them to deal with a community member who may be hoarding to their neighbor’s detriment.
Hoarding is a recognized disorder characterized as someone who persistently has difficult discarding or parting with possessions due to a perceived need to save them. From a shared-community’s perspective, this becomes an issue when the degree of a homeowner’s hoarding disturbs neighbors as to impact their ability to enjoy the comfort of their own home.
Jennifer Pasko, CAM, Property Manager at The Building Group, focuses on some of the tools and resources available to homeowners in published CAI Article…
“Condominiums have several tools and resources available to aid informally addressing hoarding. Usually, the Declarations have a clause citing “Nuisances” and that all owners have a right to equal enjoyment of their property and the common elements. The Association’s attorney can issue a letter notifying the occupant of their “failure to maintain their unit” and listing the legal consequences if compliance is not met and the unit cleaned. The Illinois Condominium Property Act provides, in Section 18.4, the Board of Directors has the power and duty “to have access to each unit from time to time as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any common elements or for making emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to the common elements or to other units.”
Forced compliance to clean a unit, one that has likely taken a resident year’s get to its current state, is not easily undone by a Judge issuing a ruling in favor of the Association and requiring the occupant correct their living condition. When the occupant’s environment is in grave disarray, it is not an easy task to fix, physically or emotionally. They may be embarrassed and the hoarding behavior could be a symptom of something else and possibly cleaning and ridding of the mess is near impossible.”
Read more here.